Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020 -

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020 - In Graphic Engineering with AutoCAD 2020, award-winning CAD instructor and writer James Bethune teaches engineering drawing using AutoCAD 2020 as its drawing instrument.

Taking a step-by-step approach, this textbook encourages students to work at their own pace and uses problem samples and illustrations to guide them through the powerful features of this drawing program.

More than 680 practice problems provide instructors with various assignment materials and students with opportunities to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020

Author James Bethune - Language English - Pages 1801 - Publisher Packt - File Format PDF - ISBN 10: 0-13-556217-1 & ISBN 13: 978-0-13-556217-8 File Size 74 MB
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